Therapy for Neurodivergent folx in NYC

You’re a multi-tasker with big plans, if only you could finish one project at a time...

It’s difficult committing to one idea. You have multiple projects in the works and you’re struggling to find the energy and focus to complete just one and send it out into the world. Time blindness has you only half-surprised another deadline has snuck up on you.

Shiny Object Syndrome

Do “shiny objects” literally and figuratively take you off course in ways that affect your work, relationships and quality of life? You may have undiagnosed neurodivergent traits or a diagnosable medical condition. Impulse control may be difficult as well, causing you to blurt out things without thinking, acting recklessly or struggling with substance misuse.

Why are so many NYC adult women in their 20s and 30s just now being diagnosed with ADHD?

  • Gender - Being assigned female gender at birth has a statistically significant correlation with diagnosed or misdiagnosed ADHD, especially the Inattentive Type, classified by forgetfulness, distractability, mistakes due to missed details, disorganization and difficulty following instructions. Because many women and non-binary individuals are socialized to be people pleasers in order to fit in, some learn quite early how to mask their difficulties, needs and quirks to avoid criticism, rejection and other undesirable consequences. Learning how to prioritize your own needs and nervous system will be a major component of our work together.

  • Stigma - Many of my clients happen to be born in the 80s and 90s, a time of prescription skepticism for both children and adults alike. I’m picturing all of our mothers in the 90s contemplating putting her already wired, anxious, forgetful kid on something chemically liken to meth, you start to understand their hesitancy.

  • Parenthood - A good portion of adult ADHD diagnoses being made in recent years has been a result of parents in their 30 or 40s realizing, like their child, they too struggle with neurodivergence and would benefit from learning new ways of managing life now that you realize you don’t “just suck at adulting” and no amount of guilt or shame can will your brain to function differently. In therapy, you will build a skillset of strategies for coping with your own and your child’s emotional and cognitive health.

  • ADHD loves company - ADHD and other neurodivergence can be missed when co-occuring with trauma, anxiety and mood disorders are present. The beneficial aspect of therapy for neurodiversity in NYC with a licensed psychotherapist is that whether your symptoms are due to your beautifully unique brain, your experience, genetics or something else, we will unpack and address each one until you feel at peace and in control of your life.

You + your brain are f***ing treasures!

Are there difficulties attached to the neurodivergent experience? For sure, that’s why we’re here. I urge you at the same time to try noticing the gifts of creativity, innovation, humor, and vibrancy! Neurodivergent Adults often excel in professions related to their passion since maintaining focus in areas of personal interest is easier due to the reward of dopamine our brain receives. To simplify, finding aspects of life and work that spark joy, feel engaging and call on your neurological gifts of empathy, enthusiasm and hyperfocus.

The challenges of neurodivergence + ADHD in Brooklyn, NY

Things like making eye contact, connecting genuinely, feeling understood, managing intense emotions, keeping your body still and comfortable, preventing distraction, managing time and preventing procrastination. Figure out how to cope with the restlessness, anxiety, depression, restlessness, confusion and pain. In recent years, clients have had questions about ADHD after seeing an influx of TikTok videos by individuals with lived experience of the disorder. I feel too old to be on the platform myself, but some of the takes that have been shared with me have seemed quite helpful in challenging remaining stigma. Please don’t try to diagnose yourself based on info on the internet. Reminder: Social media is not real life.

Starting secure online therapy in NYC

To streamline the process and accommodate neurodiverse brains, we will begin ADHD therapy in NYC with a virtual consultation call during which we will discuss what specifically brings you to therapy right now, what your goals, questions, needs and learning styles are and what day and time feels good for weekly work for at least two months. After significant goals are met, we have the option of meeting every other week to deepen your independence, maintain success and continue to collaborate on new goals along the way. You will have access to me between sessions for check-ins and crisis support via email or text as well as a curated client library full of resources for understanding your brain better. Don’t put this off!

Some of the risks of not addressing this with a qualified medical professional:

  • giving up on things important to you prematurely

  • convincing yourself you “can’t”

  • worsening depression and self-blame

  • years of untapped potential and wasted opportunities

  • not admitting this to yourself until your child or family member is diagnosed with it

Are you ready to start feeling better?

Contact me for a consultation for anxiety + trauma therapy in New York today!