Dating + Heartbreak in New York City

Are you looking for that special partnership or is your heart currently in "repair mode"?

Recovering from a breakup?

You believed this was it. They were the one. Now it’s over and you’re trying to pick up the pieces. Separations are tough, even when you're the one who initiated it. The emotional wreckage is everywhere. It's affecting your work, sleep, appetite, social life, and hobbies. You're stuck in a never-ending loop, replaying what went wrong and wondering if you'll ever feel whole again.

You were taught ‘love is pain’

In art, the media and IRL relationships you see how difficult it can be to make a partnership work long-term. Our society loves to romanticize tumultuous relationships so you were raised on a steady diet of Disney fairy tales and rom-coms, convincing you that love is supposed to be painful.

Mending hearts in Brooklyn, NYC + virtually

The reality is, all relationships take effort, but it shouldn't feel like a never-ending battle. Maybe it was challenging to feel heard or respected growing up, causing you to mask your true self. It's time to stop that charade. You are deserving of unconditional love, and I’m here to help you realize that. I’d like to help you stop romanticizing the comfortable and convenient so you can feel peace in your inner and outer world as yourself, by yourself. Or with someone(s) who show enough glimmers and green flags to continue sharing your energy.

Vulnerability isn’t easy for you

The fear of rejection or being seen as “cringe” is holding you back. You've silenced your inner voice, ignored your instincts, and brushed your needs aside to keep the peace. It's time to shed that mindset. I’m Desiree, a licensed therapist from NYC, specializing in attachment and helping adults navigate relationship difficulties, divorces, and breakups for well over a decade.

Guidance to heal and thrive from a holistic therapist from Brooklyn, NY

With body acceptance, health at every size, sex-positive and kink-allied perspectives, we will build a foundation of trust you can ground yourself with as you unpack the dynamics that have led to this point. You’ll become equip with strategies for setting and maintaining boundaries, assessing how you’re really feeling without gaslighting yourself, finding your voice and trusting the decisions you make without hesitation or a stamp of approval from others.

What to expect in NYC Attachment-Based Therapy

Expect a comfortable, supportive environment where you can share your progress, failures, and aspirations. I'll help you forgive yourself, make peace with your past, and rediscover your passions. Our weekly 45-50 minute phone or video sessions will continue until you achieve your goals and maintain your status quo. If at any point you feel our treatment isn't meeting your needs, I’m happy to discuss alternatives or referrals.

Reminder: social media is never a replacement for therapy!

Book your free 15-minute consultation call now, and let's pave the way to a mended heart and a fulfilling life, partnered or not. You've got this!

Are you ready to start feeling better?

Contact me for a consultation for heartbreak recovery therapy in NYC today!