Online Trauma Counseling
in Brooklyn, NY

Complex Trauma + PTSD Treatment in NYC

Therapy with Desiree Woehrle  |  Anxiety, Trauma and Chronic Stress Treatment in Brooklyn, NYC

Holistic Mental Health Counseling for anxiety, trauma and chronic stress from Brooklyn, NY

Are you seeking anxiety and trauma therapy in New York? Anxiety and trauma are deeply distressing experiences that can impact every aspect of your life. Beyond the obvious instances like combat, abuse, accidents, or direct events, trauma can also be the void left by something essential, the neglect of a crucial emotional need. Whether you're dealing with pain, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, self-sabotage, depression, anxiety, or brain fog, know that there's nothing "wrong” with you.

Let’s find the most effective strategy for post-traumatic growth and healing in your life together!

Types of trauma frequently encountered by New Yorkers:

  • Severe Illness or Injury

  • Violent Assault

  • Sexual Assault

  • Traumatic Loss

  • Mugging or Robbery

  • Witnessing Violence

  • Witnessing a Terrorist Attack

  • Witnessing a Natural Disaster

  • Road or Plane Accident

  • Military Combat Incident

  • Hospitalization

  • Psychiatric Hospitalization

  • Childbirth with OR without medical complications

  • Medical Trauma - due to negligence, human error or systemic failures of our past and current healthcare systems.

  • Acute Trauma - A brief but profoundly disturbing single event, such as auto accidents, natural disasters, or single acts of violence.

  • Chronic PTSD - Ongoing or repeated traumatic experiences, including abuse, neglect, childhood or developmental trauma, chronic illness, war, racism, poverty, and misogyny.

  • Complex PTSD or C-PTSD - A mix of multiple acute or chronic traumatic events.

  • Intergenerational Trauma - Emotional wounds passed down from one generation to the next after significant experiences.

  • Vicarious Trauma - A mix of multiple acute or chronic traumatic events.

  • Compassion Fatigue - A state of burnout experienced by caregivers who have given so much that they feel depleted, often exhibiting PTSD symptoms like hopelessness, confusion, low energy, and lack of focus.

  • Post-Suicide Attempt Trauma

  • Life-Threatening Illness or Diagnosis

  • Complex Bereavement

  • Religious Trauma

  • Moving to a New House/Relocating

  • Losing a Job or Workplace Trauma/Abuse

  • Interpersonal Conflict/End of Relationship

  • Infidelity/Cheating

  • Divorce

  • Criminal Justice System Involvement

  • Financial Insecurity

  • Being Unhoused

The best approach to anxiety and trauma therapy for New Yorkers 18 and older

Whether your trauma occurred early in life, was chronic, or was a single episode, different therapy styles and approaches can yield better results. We acknowledge that traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may not suit everyone, and that's why we offer a holistic psychotherapy approach that focuses on stabilizing, connecting, and calming the body and nervous system. Our approach recognizes that rational thinking can be challenging when we're in survival mode, and we aim to guide you toward forgiveness for the survival strategies that may have caused more pain.

Unlock Healing with EMDR and Somatic Therapy

Discover the transformative power of Somatic Experiencing and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). These approaches work with the physical body, nervous system, and trauma response without necessarily discussing the traumatic situation directly. Our licensed New York therapist, with over a decade of experience, will help you release the weight of past experiences and find a path to authentic healing.

Transform your life today: schedule a free phone consultation and take the first step toward feeling better and rewiring painful patterns!

Ready to begin your journey towards healing? Schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with a top-rated therapist in Brooklyn today.