Student Mental Health in Brooklyn + NYC

How therapy can help you succeed while in school

Okay, fellow New Yorkers navigating the chaos of post-high school life! Whether you're fresh out of high school, changed majors seven times or working on your doctorate, school can be a huge source of stress.

I mean, it's like everyone's got their life together… But guess what? You don't need to put on a brave face. Stop comparing yourself to your classmates. We're in this mess together, and I'm here to help you out with hands-on mental health services from NYC.

Unlocking your fullest potential in holistic psychotherapy!

Your schedule is full enough already, so we will be working together via phone or video session. In our early work, we will meet weekly, focus on helping you feel safe in your body and environment.

You need a behavioral health clinician who isn’t going to tell you some ageist nonsense or pretend to know what being in school in 2023 is like. The fact is, the last few years have felt unpredictable for most of us. Earning your degree and choosing a career is a huge life decision and not one you take lightly, for good reason.

Mental health services for students
in New York + studying abroad

You hate depending on your family for support and crave the financial independence to start your own life. Together, we’ll get there 1000 times faster than DIY solutions. Studying, being on time for class, focusing, connecting with the material, getting to know your classmates, passing exams and figuring out what to do when you finish are some of the reasons clients have entered therapy as students.

Your schedule's wilder than the kids on Euphoria, so we're offering therapy via phone or video. In the beginning, we'll redesign your attachment to hustle culture. I've got some seriously research-backed self-care tricks up my sleeves to help you navigate this rollercoaster ride.

Mental Health services for NYC's ambitious students

Tired of financial dependence, dreaming of adulting like a pro? Well, you might get there faster than your last Uber Eats delivery. Phone and video sessions designed for college students and young adults aged 18+, because who even makes phone calls anymore? We're starting small, like finding your lost AirPods, and building momentum from there. I’ll help you reach your academic, career, and life goals without sacrificing the important stuff, like binge-watching your fav series and staying up to date on the tea.

Your journey begins with a free initial consultation call. So, tap this link, and let's make your student life a hilarious, memorable adventure. 😉📚🍎


Are you ready to start feeling better?

Contact me for a complimentary mental health counseling consultation in Brooklyn, NY today!