Frequently Asked Questions

Beginning virtual holistic mental health services in NYC doesn’t have to be scary!

What NYC has to say about Therapy with Desiree:

The most frequently asked questions about starting virtual holistic mental health counseling that I’ve heard are:

  • During our 15-minute consultation, it's like speed-dating but for therapy. We'll chat about our compatibility and how I can be your mental health wingwoman. We'll discuss the services I can offer you based on your unique circumstances and location. You can ask me any burning questions you have about my services, training, and overall vibe. Then, we'll set our first date, and you'll receive some introductory paperwork to speed things up in the therapy room. And if, by chance, I feel you'd hit it off better with another clinician, I'm the ultimate matchmaker.

  • Our first virtual session is like the opening scene of a movie - it sets the stage for the journey ahead. We'll delve into topics we discussed in our consultation call, but don't worry, you're in control. If you're not ready to spill all your secrets, no pressure. We'll focus on stabilization, trust-building, and selecting our first goals of therapy. Sometimes an hour just isn't enough, so we'll continue to unpack and practice new coping skills in follow-up sessions.

  • At the start, we'll be seeing each other weekly. This helps us build a strong connection as we embark on your wellness journey. Once you've achieved your goals and are feeling like the star you are, we'll discuss reducing the frequency of our sessions. For our seasoned clients, meetings can be dialed back to every other week. And when it's time to move on from therapy, we'll meet for monthly check-ins. You can always return to therapy as life throws new challenges your way.

  • The duration of our therapy tango is a little tricky to predict. It depends on various factors, like the severity of the issue, how long you've been wrestling with it, and your willingness to participate. I'm no wallflower in this dance; I'm an active participant. You won't find vague self-discovery prompts here. We'll be crystal clear, focusing on strategies to reduce stress, challenge negative thoughts, and achieve an abundance mindset. I respect your time and will only use methods that have proven to make a difference.

  • We're all about making you comfortable. Secure video or phone sessions give you the flexibility to choose your ideal location. Working from home? At the office? Traveling the world? You name it. If you prefer phone sessions, I'm just a call away. And for the adventurous types, walk and talk therapy is available to Brooklyn, NY residents from April to October or whenever the weather permits.

  • I work with adults who are ready to conquer their past. It's hard to move forward when parts of you are stuck in the past or live in constant fear. We can call it anxiety, trauma, depression, grief, or C-PTSD. This might look like hopelessness, restlessness, low energy, nightmares, and more. I have a soft spot for Women, Non-Binary Adults, Highly Sensitive People, Neurodivergent Adults, and many more wonderful folks.

  • If you ever feel that our therapy tango isn't hitting the right notes, let's talk about it. We'll discuss what's not clicking and if there's a better-suited clinician or approach for you. No hard feelings, we're all about finding your perfect match!

  • I'm not currently in cahoots with any insurance plans, but I've got your back. I provide discreet documentation for out-of-network reimbursement. Many insurance companies offer reimbursement for out-of-network providers, so you can get a chunk of your therapy fees back, typically 60-80%.

  • Private pay is your golden ticket if you're uninsured, under-insured, or simply want more control over your therapy. You call the shots on frequency, duration, and style.

  • We like to keep things transparent. Our initial consultation is a complimentary 15-minute discovery call. After that, it's $250 for our initial assessment session and for follow-up sessions.

  • Payments are processed electronically via credit, debit, HSA, or FSA cards. We're all about saving time and keeping your data safe, so payments and appointments are handled through our secure client portal.

  • The NYC therapy scene is like no other. Availability is limited, in-network providers are few and far between, and rates can be eye-watering. It's a tough nut to crack. Many clinics have high caseloads and a revolving door of therapists. Plus, big tech platforms advertise "affordable" online therapy by exploiting newbie therapists, compromising privacy, and favoring shareholder profits. It's a tough gig, but rest assured, I'm here to make a difference.

  • Ah, the length of our sessions, you ask? Well, our first rendezvous, an assessment and introduction, will sweep you off your feet for one glorious hour. Follow-up sessions are shorter, lasting 45-50 minutes. EMDR sessions, on the other hand, are a tad more demanding, taking 90 minutes. Longer sessions can be scheduled if you prefer or believe it'll add a little extra sparkle to our work.

  • We're here to fit your schedule! Morning, mid-day, and evening appointments are at your service. We do have weekend appointments in emergency situations, but let's keep those to a minimum, shall we?

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When it comes to holistic mental health support for anxiety, trauma, and chronic stress, we're here for adults living in NY, NYC, Brooklyn, and remote locations.