Helping people
who help people

Online therapy for exhausted nurses, teachers and healthcare providers

The relentless cycle of doom-scrolling into the early hours of the morning has left you struggling to greet each new day. It's as though you've just closed your eyes when the world awakens, and your mind is flooded with thoughts of unfinished tasks, looming deadlines, and a list of unanswered messages, calls, and emails. You're dedicated to the well-being of others, but what about your own?

Your commitment to serving others is commendable, but it's crucial not to overlook your own wellness. The emotional and mental health of those who dedicate their lives to caring for others can no longer be ignored.

Mental Health Services Tailored to Healers and Healthcare Heroes in New York City

Compassion fatigue may have led you to adopt roles like the caregiver, the martyr, or the micromanager, all in an attempt to regain a sense of control in our ever-changing world. However, the fleeting nature of this control leaves you returning home daily, exhausted and questioning how you can make life feel sustainable once more.

Are you an overachiever still haunted by the pains of your childhood? It seems you're living the life you believe you "should" be living, rather than the one that brings you happiness. Perhaps your family endured hardship, like poverty, discrimination, illness and/or addiction. The weight of this past now leads to near-daily existential crises.

You've likely noticed that your job, relationships, and responsibilities leave you with inadequate time and energy to care for yourself. Compassion fatigue is a reality, and you're exhausted from hearing about your resilience. What you truly need is a therapist who understands how to help you help yourself.

The time for this change is now. You've internalized resentment, making it challenging to receive feedback and assert your boundaries. Your kindness has been taken advantage of too many times, and it's time to change that.

Your Healing Journey Starts With NYC Holistic Mental Health Counseling

This Brooklyn-based therapist is prepared to provide you with the compassionate support and accountability you need to regain control and find balance. Our first therapy session will be the starting point for making your world feel more manageable. Scheduling your free consultation call is the initial step towards your transformation.

With access to my curated client library and between-session check-ins for those challenging moments, you'll have a solid plan for moving forward. Therapy for burnout in NYC will create space for you to live in healthier ways, nurturing your needs, respecting your boundaries, and making holistic shifts with ease and grace.

Start Redesigning Your Mindset Today

Stop letting burnout define you. Take the first step towards revitalizing your well-being and reclaiming your life.

Are you ready to start feeling better?

Contact me for a consultation for anxiety + trauma therapy in New York today!