Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) + How it Helps Anxiety, Depression and Trauma

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is highly regarded by therapists and insurance companies alike. Therapists love the gentle confrontation of thinking errors. The insurance industry loves that it can supposedly be taught in 10 sessions or less. Truthfully, it is a strategy that you can use for the rest of your life to assess the accuracy and helpfulness of that voice in your head. Has it been a jerk for some time now? You have the ability to change that with the listing of common cognitive distortions and two variations on CBT Thought Records below that are used like a hypothesis, to prove or disprove the thought/feeling/belief in question based on real-life evidence.

You may have tried CBT with other therapists. No shade to anyone, but for CBT to truly work for individuals who have been repeatedly reminded of how real the world can be, it must be trauma-informed and paired with additional tools for grounding and creating safety within one’s body, mind and spirit.

Let’s find a time to discuss this further!

Therapy with Desiree

Brooklyn Counselor specializing in helping adults recover from chronic stress, anxiety, trauma and scarcity mindset. Licensed NYC therapist offers online psychotherapy and holistic mental health coaching to women and gender expansive adults looking to reclaim their life and find joy.

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