What to expect in your first therapy session


You’ve scoured Psychology Today, been matched with the top psychologists in NYC that you can afford, filled out the “what brought you to therapy” questionnaires, and now might be wondering, what’s next?

To oversimplify, we’re going to gather information, make a plan for our work based on your needs and preferences, do the work well enough so that you eventually need sessions less and less often. Eventually you might move on or take breaks, knowing we can resume in the future as needed. My goal is not to keep you dependent on therapy forever. You may see a shift as early as the consultation call. Those results will accumulate over time as you learn how to be more yourself, unapologetically.

Your first therapy session, regardless of your therapist’s style, is about you. I want to know your story, what has been bothering you the most and your vision for your treatment if you have one. You don’t need to know a thing about therapy, mental health or use the jargon you’ve heard thrown around. I’m here to support you, help you figure out what that is without saying too much. My intention is not to be your behavioral health “guru”, but to assist you in figuring this life out for yourself. This might cast a vision of lots of head nodding and one word answers. I promise, what you’ve seen on TV is incorrect. You wont be left hanging or sitting uncomfortably in silence wondering wtf is going on.

I wont lie, there will be assessments.  Thankfully most of them are super quick, used to get a clearer picture of how we will get started. If you’re not comfortable disclosing something during an assessment, please know that you do not have to. I don’t expect you to meet me and be 100% ready to share every single thing. We’ll get there when we’ve built a solid foundation of trust and safety.

For others, our first session together wont be the first therapy session of your life. You might have moved from another state and you’re needing someone in NYC for this next chapter. You might have an awesome psychoanalyst and want to add complimentary CBT or holistic health modalities to your care. Maybe you have an amazing long-term therapist and you’re looking to explore EMDR and trauma work with a specialist. To all of the above, I’ve got you!

Schedule your free consultation to fully understand what this will look like today. Have quick inquiries? Email me anytime!

Therapy with Desiree

Brooklyn Counselor specializing in helping adults recover from chronic stress, anxiety, trauma and scarcity mindset. Licensed NYC therapist offers online psychotherapy and holistic mental health coaching to women and gender expansive adults looking to reclaim their life and find joy.


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